Bus Information


Lisbon CCSD #90 Bus Service


If your student is not riding the bus, please call the office at 815-736-6324 and the office will radio the bus.  You can also leave a voicemail if needed.

In addition, students will be assigned seats on the first day.  As in the past, routes will be reversed after Christmas break.

Students will be dropped off each evening at consistent times  if possible, so if parents/guardians will not be home, arrangements should be made for students to have access to the home.  If the bus is going to be more than 10 – 15 minutes early or late, the school will attempt to contact parents to alert them.

As always, parents/guardians must provide a written note or phone call to the office before we allow students to get off the bus at a different location or let someone else pick them up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the district office at 815-736-6324.
